online marketplace providing graphic design

About DesignCrowdDesignCrowd is an online marketplace providing logo, website, print and graphic design services by providing access to freelance graphic designers and design studios around the world.DesignCrowd gives you access to a 'virtual team' of 159,816 designers from around the world (via a process called crowdsourcing) - helping you to tap into the very best international design talent available, at a low cost. Post a project on DesignCrowd and watch designs pour in from around the world (the average project receives 50+ designs).We pride ourselves on quality (not just quantity) - DesignCrowd uses "Crowdsourcing 2.0" a fairer, sustainable, higher quality crowdsourcing where every designer can get paid and customers can browse our top graphic designers and hand-pick their favourites.Interested in joining the DesignCrowd team? We are hiring!
- Online Shop Eintrag:
- 3808
- Eingetragen am:
- 17.02.2011
- Aktualisiert am:
- 05.10.2017